Niagara Parks Floral Clock – 14004 Niagara Parkway

Hours: sunrise to sunset

Phone: +1 877-642-7275.

No fees for parking. 

The Floral Clock is a great place to take a break and take a photo or two.

Open every season – Visitors average 15-30 minutes here.

Most active from May through September.  

Public restrooms are not available.  

Reservations are not required and advance purchase is not necessary. 

Official info: Niagara Parks

wego niagara falls bus

The WeGo transportation service stops at the Floral Clock year round. You can verify service here. Service is always available from June through September.

If you are visiting Niagara Falls on the Canadian side be sure to check out the Floral Clock. Close by attractions include the adjacent Botanical Gardens and the Whirlpool Aero Car. Nearby views of the lower Niagara River and the Niagara Gorge are available.

For navigation use Niagara Parks Floral Clock 14004 Niagara Parkway, Queenston, Canada.

The Floral Clock is located 6.2 miles/10 kilometers north of Niagara Falls on the Niagara Parkway which follows the path of the Niagara River to Niagara Falls. 

This unique floral clock is the largest of its kind. Beautifully maintained by the Niagara Parks Commission the planted clock face is maintained by Niagara Parks horticulture staff, while the mechanism is kept in working order by Ontario Hydro, the organization that originally built the clock.

The intricate designs on the face of the timepiece are created with up to 16,000 carpet bedding plants. The floral design is changed twice each year – it features viola in the Spring and four cultivars of Alternanthera along with green and grey forms of Santolina Sage during the Summer and Fall. California Golden Privet and Blue Festuca Grass may be used for contrast.

The grounds surrounding the clock feature bedding displays and a Tower at the back of the clock houses Westminster chimes that greet each quarter hour. If the door into the Tower is open, you can take a glimpse at the clock mechanism and enjoy photographs that show the history of every face design all the way back to 1950.

An attractive feature is a 10-foot wide water garden that curves 85 feet around the base of the timepiece – it is a popular place to make a wish!

Located next to the Sir Adam Beck Power Generating Station in Niagara Falls Canada.

Floral Clock Location
Floral Clock Reviews
4.4 Over 4096 Reviews
Beautiful and largest floral clock in the world. Nice visit. The park around is nice too.
이곳은 관광 업체들이 꼭 들리는 장소 입니다. 화장실 가기에 편합니다. 꽃시계 뒷편을 보면 통로에 꽃시계 매카니즘을 볼 수 있도록 개방해놓았습니다. 이 꽃시계 컨셉은 계절마다 바뀝니다. 어느 학교인지는 깜빡했지만 학교 학생들이 담당해서 매번 컨셉을 바꾼다고 합니다. 사진찍기에 좋고 잠시 아이들과 함께 공놀이 할 수 있는 잔디밭도 있어서 좋습니다.
Beautiful and well done. Time was a bit off. A neat place to stop, and unique roadside photo opportunity. Worth stopping if in the area. Would not make a special trip. We spent less than 10 min here.
Very cute tourist peice. Plentiful parking. I visited it during the off season so my experience was likely muddied. Its definitely very quaint but there's not much else that really kept me. Looks nice, take a photo and leave. I'll definitely need to visit in the spring, perhaps I'll have a more favorable outlook then.